Top 10 Backyard Compost Tips From Mark Bowen


With Earth Day celebration in session, The Ground Up’s Mark Bowen joined ABC 13’s Tom Koch this morning to talk backyard composting. With 30+ years of hands-on experience, Mark has made a huge impact at TGU since his arrival. Here are Mark’s Top 10 Back Yard Compost Tips!

1) Use 1 cubic yard (3’x3’x3’) bins.

2) Choose open air style wire mesh bins for optimal air flow.

3) Use the formula of 80% Brown (carbon rich) to 20% Green (nitrogen rich) ingredients. Avoid meat & dairy.

4) Leaves & chopped up (to 2”) plant trimmings work well for Brown & veggie/fruit scraps & coffee grinds for Green ingredients.

5) Ideally turn the pile at lest monthly. 

6) If the pile seems dry, water it with non-chlorinated water like rainwater.

7) If the pile becomes too fragrant, add 20% more Brown ingredients and turn. 

  8) Your compost pile should be ready for use in 4-6 months or longer if conditions are less ideal.

 9)  Consider topdressing struggling lawn areas with a 1/2” layer of compost.

 10) Putting down a 1/2” layer of compost in beds before mulching will help improve soil quality.


For composting class info:

TGU Welcomes Mark Bowen – Sr. Account Manager & QC.

Mark Bowen joined TGU on Monday, September 17th and will be managing accounts in a Sr. capacity as well as working with our production team in Quality Control and working with Luis Chamorro in the product development.

TGU is very excited to welcome Mark to our family. If you would like to contact Mark:

email: & Cell: 281-381-1259
