Soils & Compost
TGU suggests using an organic fertilizer with all new plantings.The microbes found in compost provide disease suppression and improve nutrient retention in soil

COMPOST DS (Double Screen)
Spec – Screen: 3/8” twice (3/8” & 3/8”) – small percentage of wood chips.
Assembly Feedstock: Leaves, grass clippings, pre-consumer fruits & veggies, twigs & <1% horse manure.
Suggested applications: Top dress lawns, for planting veggies & herbs, fruits, and perfect to amend flowerbeds, trees, and shrubs.
Pricing: BULK $85 cuyd | 1CUFT BAG $11 | 1CUYD SACK $116
Windfern | Westpark | Brittmoore

ORganic Compost
Spec – Screen: 3/8” – contains small wood chips up to 3/8″ or slightly larger.
Assembly Feedstock: Leaves, grass clippings, pre-consumer fruits & veggies, twigs & <1% horse manure.
Suggested applications: Planting veggies, herbs & fruits by mixing with 2 parts of TGU Rose Soil. 2Rose:1Compost. Perfect to amend flowerbeds, trees, and shrubs. Can also be used as mulch.
Pricing: BULK $65 cuyd | 1CUYD SACK $96
Windfern | Westpark | Brittmoore
bed mix – Flowerbed Soil
Spec – Screen: 3/8”
Assembly Feedstock: Compost, Composted Fines & Large Grain Angular Sand.
Suggested applications: Flowerbeds, Trees. This product is NOT recommended for growing veggies.
Pricing: BULK $40 cuyd | 1CUFT BAG $5 | 1CUYD SACK $71
Windfern | Brittmoore | Westpark
Rose Soil – Rose & Azalea Soil
Spec – Screen: 3/8”.
Assembly Feedstock: Compost, Composted Fines, Large Grain Angular Sand, Composted Pine Bark.
Suggested applications: Flowerbeds, Trees, and Fruits & Veggies (amend with organic fertilizer).
Pricing: BULK $55 cuyd | 1CUFT BAG $6 | 1CUYD SACK $86
Windfern | Westpark
My Veggie & Herb Soil
Spec – Screen: 3/8” in front and 5/8” back.
Assembly Feedstock: A perfect and balanced blend of Compost DS, aged pine bark, coco coir, expanded shale, washed sand, worm castings & myccorhizae.
Suggested applications: Plant In-Ground, Raise Beds, Hanging Baskets, Pots.
NEW Pricing: BULK $150 cuyd | 1CUFT BAG $14 | 1CUYD SACK $181
Windfern | Westpark
Enriched Top Soil
call for availability
Spec – Screen: 3/8”
Assembly Feedstock: Screened Top Soil & Bank Sand. Suggested applications: Sod prep, Tree Wells, Leveling. Enriched top Soil is not sterilized or composted. Although the product is screened, some weeds may be present in final product.
Pricing: BULK $50 cuyd | 1CUYD SACK $81
Windfern | Westpark | Brittmoore

TURF MIX PREMIUM (this is a top-soilless product) not in stock/ made to order 10 yard min
Spec – Screen: 3/8”
Assembly Feedstock: Bed Mix, Mason/Washed Sand, Compost DS.
Suggested applications: Sod prep, Tree Wells. Use this soil as a substitute to Enriched Top Soil. The consistency of Turf Mix Premium is superior than any sod prep/leveling soil in Houston, TX.
Pricing: BULK $80 cuyd | 1CUYD SACK $111 -Blending fee added to price TBD
Windfern | Westpark